Binary Packages

Dogtag Certificate System is available on the latest Fedora and EPEL platforms.

  • For information on how to use EPEL - see

  • For additional information about EPEL - see

  • use ‘pkicreate’ to create new instances of CA, DRM, OCSP, RA, TKS, and TPS.

  • use ‘pkiremove’ to delete instances of CA, DRM, OCSP, RA, TKS, and TPS.

  • use either a ‘Firefox 3.x’ browser or ‘pkisilent’ to configure instances of CA, DRM, OCSP, RA, TKS, and TPS.

See the Release Notes for the current list of packages.


For EPEL, version 1.0.7 or later of the mod_nss component is required to execute the RA and TPS subsystems.

Binary Packages#

Snapshots of various Binary components (that are NOT currently available in Fedora/RHEL) are included below for the user’s convenience:


32-bit Fedora 12 (i386)

64-bit Fedora 12 (x86_64)

32-bit Fedora 11 (i386)

64-bit Fedora 11 (x86_64)

32-bit RHEL 5.5 (EPEL) (i586)

64-bit RHEL 5.5 (EPEL) (x86_64)

Source Packages#

Snapshots of various Source components (that are NOT currently available in Fedora/RHEL) are included below for the user’s convenience:


Fedora 12

Fedora 11